
Peak Performance


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PEAK Performance metrics.

The Problem We are Solving

Manufacturers are being asked to produce more with less investment in machines and infrastructure. Now, more than ever, facility leaders need to realize the full benefits of optimized maintenance, reliability, and automation through a combination of people, process, and performance. With so many factors contributing to OEE, it can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the practical problems that need to be solved to impact performance. 

The Potential

One Diagnostics Test Manufacturer gained 22 points in OEE over a 12-month period after the ATS team identified 17 areas of improvement to support this transformation. 

By improving maintenance cost and replacement asset value, a Manufacturer realized $2M in savings over 4 years, and a Biopharmaceutical Producer saved $2.3M over 4 years

We offer a data-driven Peak Performance Assessment that identifies improvements you could make to your production operations and systems (OEE).  

What You Get

Detailed, 15-page report that examines 7 categories of your operation and machinery: 

  • Governance
  • Loss Management and Continuous Improvement
  • Asset Management
  • Operations Management
  • Material Management
  • Resource Management
  • System Health

3-Step Approach

Step 1: Virtual Discovery Meeting

Who: Maintenance Manager, Site Manager, Engineering Manager, MRO Leader, Ops Manager, etc.

Timing: Minimum 1 hour


  • We discuss your current challenges and areas you’d like to focus on during the assessment.
  • Based on uncovered opportunities for improvement additional data requests will be identified prior to the site visit. 
  • We will share data and knowledge about your system(s) that we have gathered from across ATS. 

Outcome: Schedule a site visit within 3-4 weeks to address opportunities presented during the discovery call.

Step 2: On-Site Visit

We will send 3 ATS team members to your site. 

  1. Machine SME 
  2. Reliability Engineer 
  3. Account Manager (former engineer)

They will spend time in GEMBA with your SME’s and survey your machines and operations to complete the Peak Performance Assessment.

  • Machines must be running during the site visit.

At the end of the site visit, they will provide a summary risk register for the 7 categories. 

Step 3: In-Person Opportunity Presentation

We can return or schedule a report out within 2 weeks of the Peak Performance Assessment to formally share our detailed recommendations with the key contact and a broader team. 

How Do We Do It? 

The Peak Performance Assessment has been developed using Industry Standard core concepts from Lean Six Sigma and Overall Equipment Effectiveness, plus guidelines from:

  • ISO 55000 Asset Management Standard
  • Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Body of Knowledge
  • Uptime Elements Framework

What the On-Site Visit is like:

  • Start with a Gemba Walk.
  • The Assessment Team spends 6+ hours at Gemba observing, gathering information, and analyzing processes & equipment. 
  • Total Time on Site is 8-10 hours in 1 day.
Who Participates From the Facility?Role in the Assessment 
Operations LeaderLead Gemba Walk and obtain information.
Operators Answer questions across multiple pieces of equipment at Gemba.
MRO Leader Answer questions and show areas for Spare Parts.
Training Leader Answer questions regarding Skills and Training.
Leadership Team Participate in opening and closing meetings.
Maintenance Leader Review Maintenance Plans and answer questions regarding equipment.
Capital Projects Review Capital Project Systems with team.
Norman S.

Machine Subject Matter Expert

Expert machine builder or engineer, who is intimately familiar with systems similar to yours, if not the person who built your actual machine.

Kate T.

Reliability Engineer

Expert OEE improver, who has conducted hundreds of assessments of facilities all over the world.

Michelle E.

Account Manager

Your main ATS contact, who understands your business context and can recommend solutions.

Who Conducts the Assessment?

3 ATS Experts

Every assessment is conducted by a three-person, cross functional team consisting of a Machine Subject Matter Expert, Reliability Engineer, and your Account Manager.

How to Prepare

  1. Provide an overview of the facility and current operations.
  2. Share current operational concerns, business concerns, and OEE data.
  3. Notify team members who will be needed for data gathering so they can set aside time on the day of the Assessment.